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  • 12月12,2018
    HK home improvement site gets funding for China, Southeast Asia growth
    The startup also said it will begin promoting its platform in the rest of the Greater China region as well as Southeast Asia.
  • 12月11,2018 – One-Stop Renovation Service and Digital Platform, Receives 8-Digit Hong Kong Dollar Funding In Pre-A Round of Financing – One-Stop Renovation Service and Digital Platform, Receives 8-Digit Hong Kong Dollar Funding In Pre-A Round of Financing
  • 12月06,2018
    裝修平台獲發展商注資千萬 創辦人:將競爭對手變合作夥伴 | 80後創業 |裝修佬
  • 01月30,2019
    裝修佬夥拍MoneySQ推出裝修Upgrade Plan
    互聯網裝修平台X全港首個金融科技平台 聯手以科技結合借貸 解決裝修難題
  • 07月17,2022
    「裝修佬品牌暨室內設計及工程大獎2022」已於今年6月假會議展覽中心完滿結束,共8個知名品牌及9間裝修設計公司獲獎。 裝修佬品牌大獎成立的目的,除了嘉許一些創新、優質、口碑好的建材品牌之外,亦希望藉此普及建材知識,讓消費者有更多選擇。